
Witamy na forum gildii DarkTeamPL z serwera Undine. Gildia chwilowo jest w stanie spoczynku. Jeśli czujecie potrzebę jej reaktywacji – zapraszam do działu „Komentarze”. Gdy znajdą się osoby pragnące kontynuować grę pod sztandarem gildii - pewno nie będzie problemu z oddaniem jej sterów w chętne ręce ;)

#1 12-11-2009 09:58:34



Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Zarejestrowany: 25-04-2007
Posty: 750
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Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Nie każdy ma czas by śledzić wypowiedzi na forum GPotato, zatem otwieram topic, gdzie będzie można poczytać o ciekawostkach tam wyszperanych.

1. Jakiś gość stwierdził, że timer na jewelach w broni leci szybciej niż faktyczny upływ czasu. Zauważył, że jest to zależne od tego czy broń w czasie logowania się jest ubrana czy nie. Ponoć najłatwiej zauważyć różnicę na przykładzie dwóch jednoręcznych broni, gdzie tylko broń w prawej ręce jest obarczona tym bugiem i timer na jewelu w tej broni leci szybciej.
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 1#p5779362
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 1#p5779551

2. Zastanawialiście się co znaczy  ten mały numer przy pasku morality? Okazuje się, że podaje on ile rupee należy złożyć w ofierze by uzyskać następny stopień „moralności”.
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 9#p5779548

3. Wygląda na to, że użytkownicy AVG 9 (antywirus) mogą mieć problemy z niespodziewanymi minimalizacjami gry.
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 7#p5779576
Od siebie dodam, że podobny problem zaobserwowałem osobiście. U mnie jest on związany z Kerio Personal Firewall, którego darmowa wersja codziennie po jakimś czasie od uruchomieniu wyświetla okienko informujące mnie, że użytkuję wersje darmową i proponuje zakup pełnej. Okienko to ma taką właściwość, że zrzuca Rappelza na belkę. Podobnie jest z wyświetlanymi przez tego firewalla informacjami o próbach łączenia się naszych programów z Internetem i ewentualnych „atakach” z sieci.

4. Może natknęliście się na problem z GameGuardem po środowym maintenance? Kłopot jest powszechny i objawia się niemożnością połączenia GameGuarda ze swym serwerem a co za tym idzie brakiem uaktualnienia. Szare okienko w lewym górnym rogu ekranu i klikanie „Retry” w nieskończoność. Jeszcze nie znaleziono przyczyny ani rozwiązania, ale w większości przypadków pomaga:
a) restart komputera (to wystarcza w moim przypadku) lub
b) zmiana nazwy folderu „Gameguard” w katalogu Rappelza na np. „Gameguard.old” (lub całkowite jego skasowanie) - GG ściągnie się ponownie i w tej wersji zadziała (oby ).
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 5#p5779483

5. Zastanawialiście się może jak się sprawuje Koala? Wygląda na to, że o ile statystyki ma bardzo dobre (w końcu to najwyższy tier), o tyle skille już nie zachwycają.
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 0#p5779510

Po co te nerwy, to tylko gra...




#2 16-11-2009 14:35:25



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 26-04-2007
Posty: 1188
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Woju napisał:

1. Jakiś gość stwierdził, że timer na jewelach w broni leci szybciej niż faktyczny upływ czasu. Zauważył, że jest to zależne od tego czy broń w czasie logowania się jest ubrana czy nie. Ponoć najłatwiej zauważyć różnicę na przykładzie dwóch jednoręcznych broni, gdzie tylko broń w prawej ręce jest obarczona tym bugiem i timer na jewelu w tej broni leci szybciej.
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 1#p5779362
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 1#p5779551

Jest jeszcze śmieszniej - podobno każdy relog z bronią z jewelem w łapce kosztuje około godz z jej timera...

www.pajacyk.pl   http://www.habitat.pl/klikacz.php   www.okruszek.org.pl   www.polskieserce.pl   www.pustamiska.pl   
raz dziennie codziennie, nic nie kosztuje a pomaga innym



#3 31-12-2009 07:08:13



Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Zarejestrowany: 25-04-2007
Posty: 750
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Wygląda na to, że po raz kolejny odziedziczyliśmy coś po serwerach europejskich. Jednak tym razem  trafiło się coś całkiem pożytecznego Mianowicie nie tylko Christmas Boxy działają nadal, ale też maja taką listę dropu, jaka była na europejskich serwerach!  W skrócie oznacza to, że można z nich dostać karty petów:

http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 9#p5812144
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 0f08441202

Po co te nerwy, to tylko gra...




#4 07-01-2010 08:04:58



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 26-04-2007
Posty: 1188
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Podobno stary bug, ale jakoś o nim nie słyszałem:
jeśli ktoś planuje używać na pecie broni z jewelem, to niech ją koniecznie wkłada do lewego slota na itemki w okienku formacji - w prawym okienku bonus z jewela się nie liczy.

www.pajacyk.pl   http://www.habitat.pl/klikacz.php   www.okruszek.org.pl   www.polskieserce.pl   www.pustamiska.pl   
raz dziennie codziennie, nic nie kosztuje a pomaga innym



#5 07-01-2010 10:14:50


Starszyzna plemienna

Zarejestrowany: 01-07-2009
Posty: 173
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Jesli chodzi o bug to jest jeszce taki ze kupujemy JUICY MELON jest to owoc ktory mozemy kupic u GROCEREGO daje on mane (od 30 poziomu). W opisie owocu jest napisane ze daje chyba 504 many w sumie a tak naprawde 3,2k po 544 wiec tanie ...i swietnie sie nadaje:)))




#6 09-04-2010 08:16:53



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 26-04-2007
Posty: 1188
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#7 09-04-2010 08:39:57



Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Zarejestrowany: 25-04-2007
Posty: 750
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Świetna ankieta na temat naszych zachowań w party:
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 2&t=972490


Instructions: Choose ONE that fits you best from each question. In the class section, look at how many points for which letter you get from them.

If you have terribly difficult time choosing between two alternatives, take them both. You can't do this for every question, though. Have fun!

You want to DP. What do you do?

a)Shout: (your level)(your class)LFDP! (specific information, for example "pm first" or the dungeon you want to go to etc.)
b)Shout: (your level)(your class)LFDP!
c)You pm one of your friends to start one or just invite people yourself.
d)Shout: (your level)(your class)LFDP! (trade/buy/sell information, asking for a quick start or telling a time when you can DP)
e)You pm a friend who is in a filling DP, and ask them to get you in.

You want to find people for your DP. What do you do?

a)Take the best players from your friends list first, then shout and try to get the perfect combination of classes, whatever that could be.
b)Shout: DPLF (your level range)(the classes you need)
c)Ask a few guildies or friends. You prefer to PM them instead of being PMed.
d)You already know who are available, and you invite them, or get them invited. If you know there aren't enough people to fill a DP in a reasonable time, you go solo or do something else.
e)Ask someone else to do it. If someone asks you for a spot, you tell the leader, though.

Your preparation for a DP?

a)Check chips, mana/HP food, pots' n scrolls. Get a pet potion suitable for your class and playing style
b)Check that you are not running out of anything essential.
c)You were born ready.
d)Get your deals done before the start, maybe give someone a union feather so they could run to spot in advance and get everyone there fast.
e)You just... go there.

Transportation to spot?

a)You prefer an union feather to not waste anyone's HV buffs.
b)You usually run with the rest of the players.
c)Run/Feather, it all works for you. If you miss the feather, you use a teleport one.
d)Feather is the way for you. If everyone else runs, you teleport or ask someone to summon when at spot. You don't waste your time running.
e)You're the one who expects to be summoned, but never summon anyone. Or, you prefer not to run because you have lag.

Your favourite setup for a DP?

a)Tank+Healer+Huna+SB+CM+3X BS. (All buffs and auras.)
b)You have a decent tank, healer and DDs, and you're perfectly OK with that.
c)The people who know what they are doing. And doing it well.
d)Anything that gives you a good killspeed without deaths is great.
e)You are in the DP, that's what matters.

Getting started:

a)Go in the room, start with a couple of mobs and if the party kills them fast, speed up and pop SS n' stuff.
b)You do your job, from the beginning 'til the end.
c)Pull'em all! You know the DP will rock anyway.
d)Pop SS on first mob, and convince others who pop to do the same. No time wasting or AFKing on spot before start!
e)See the others start killing, might as well as join in.

Someone is using a pet / pets way too low level to actually do anything.

a)Instant kick. You won't be DPing with that player again.
b)Well, if it's a healer or something you don't mind. Or if the petclass has at least 1 strong pet.
c)Let them mind their own business, but prefer to not invite that player for the next round.
d)You know they need to level their freshly tamed rare, you've been there and done that too. Still, you don't like it.
e)Hey, that's me!

Kill speed is slow. What do you do?

a)You try to find the reason and fix it. "focus on same mob", "use skills damn nubs" and "pop quick pots" are your common phrases.
b)You try harder.
c)Tell the PT that you soloed these mobs and got twice as much XP. Leave if the speed stays slow.
d)Whine about it a bit, but stay for the crappy DP and leave right after it ends.
e)Smash the tab and F1 buttons harder.

Kill speed is fast. What do you do?

a)Tell to yourself: "This is how it's supposed to be".
b)At some point, you applaud the PT for being good.
c)Hell yea, but could be faster. You pull a few extra mobs and see if the PT can handle it.
d)Nothing special to you, this is how your parties usually are.
e)Great, now you need to focus less.

You die. What do you do?

a)Someone else is quilty! Noob tank didn't grab aggro, noob healer didn't heal, noob puller pulled too many or noob CCer didn't CC. Stay down for a bit so everyone sees you're down, and mad about it.
b)Ask for the druid/healer to resurrect.
c)Bottle up, don't say much about it unless it happens again.
d)Say something like "WTF", "LOL", "damn nubs" etc. Bottle up.
e)You usually accept a resurrection, but propably won't notice if someone just scrolls you up.

Someone else dies. What do you do?

a)Feel a bit bad about it, but try to get him/her up and buffed fast.
b)Say sorry if it was your fault, if not, you usually won't say anything.
c)Give them a bottle unless it was due to their own utter noobness.
d)Get them ressed and buffed, "damn" and "oh sh*t" and stuff like that are your lines here.
e)It wasn't you, so whatever.

The healer/tank/someone keeps dying all the time. What do you do?

a)Recommend moving to a lower spot or slow down the pulling. Also, you try to find out what he/she is doing wrong.
b)Ask to move a bit farther from the center spot.
c)If it's you, you leave. If it's someone else, sucks being them.
d)You tell the party to get their damn act together.
e)Keep killing the mobs, it's not that they die in RL or something.

Someone resurrects your pet with a CRS/throws a piece on you or is somehow nice to you. What do you do/say?

a)"Wow, thanks!" You think the game needs more people like him/her.
b)You thank the person and wonder why they were that nice to you.
c)"Thanks man". 
d)You thank them and think that you should return the favor sometime.
e)You don't say much anything, maybe maybe a "thx".

You are about to pop but you notice you are out of SS. What do you do?

a)You are never out of SS. This just doesn't happen to you.
b)It's ok. You don't need SS for every party.
c)You buy one from a friend or grab one from CS, fast.
d)You are very rarely out of SS. You don't join a DP if you somehow are.
e)You go back to town and buy one or take one from WH. You ask for a feather back.

You have to go AFK for a short time. (Less than 2 minutes.) What do you do/say?

a)"brb really fast", (enter a good reason here). Say "re" or something to let people know when you are back.
b)"brb just a min", (enter a reason here) say "re" when back
c)"brb" (some reason)
d)You just don't do that. Your hour is dedicated to the grind. In the rare occasion you say that you are sorry and back in a few seconds.
e)You do that too often to bother to tell anyone about it.

How often you have left a party because something unexpected happened in RL that required your immediate attention for more than 10 minutes?

a)You try to thnk, but there are only like 1 or 2 of such occasions, if any.
b)A few times. Not often though, but RL is more important than the game and you expect everyone to understand it.
c)Not too often. You have a pretty good reason if you do that.
d)What? Never.
e)A couple of times, but you try to stay in the party if it happens and ask the party to not kick you, telling them you would eventually be back.

You popped SS late or disconnected during the DP and want the rest of the party to stay for the few extra minutes. What do you do/say?

a)"Sorry guys, I still got some SS left. Could you stay for a minute more?"
b)You respond when someone asks if all SS's are done.
c)You don't mind if they go, usually it's you who tells them they don't have to stay.
d)"Stay please I dced, I still have a couple minutes of SS left." You don't pop late.
e)You yell at the party when they start leaving, since they didn't notice you had still SS left. (And you didn't tell them.)

Your connection crashes. You don't have access to the internet at all. What do you do?

a)Check every minute if the connection is back. You NEED to get back to the party.
b)Tough luck. You hope you won't die when logging in the next day/later.
c)You make a phone call to a DP member and tell them what happened. Get them to run the mobs around for you when you log back.
d)You rage. And try to get back ASAP.
e)You are frustrated, but not too much. You check the connection again after a while.

You got a good drop. What do you do/say?

a)"Nice! Finally a drop for me!"
b)"Whoa!" awesome, you think. You feel rich.
c)You thank people GZing you. You are glad but stay cool.
d)You think how many more SS's and stuff this drop will get you.
e)You say "thx" to those who gz. 

Someone else gets a good drop. What do you do/say?

a)"never for me... gz anyway"
c)"Damn luckers." "Lucky b*stards."
d)"Congrats", "gz", ask them to sell it if it's a thing you need.

Someone harasses your DP (PK healer, chipping tank, training, KSing etc.) What do you do?

a)Take screenshots, and send them in, also inform the guild masters of whoever is doing it. 
b)Fight back and/or "verbally abuse" them.
c)They harass you, you harass them. You'll remember it and take your revenge.
d)Do all things mentioned above.
e)You don't like to get too involved unless it's aimed directly at you or harms you.

Do you have a certain group of people you usually DP with?

a)A core group, inviting others to supplement it.
b)Some friends sometimes, but usually many strangers. However there are some people you rather not have in the party.
d)You know the good ones, so yes.
e)I dp with anyone who takes me.

In addition to DPing, do you solo or farm much?

a)If I can't get a good group together, I usually kill champion mobs.
b)Farm smetimes, like while waiting for the DP to fill or while looking for one.
c)Yeah. Getting decent XP in both solo and DP, so why not?
d)Actually, I solo more than DP.
e)Nah, that means it's ME who actually has to do something.

Finally, what is your class? (or what you will be at second job change)

Priest - 2x A, 1x B, 1x C
Bishop - 2X A, 1x C, 1x D
Knight - 2x A, 1x B, 1x C
Soldier - 1x A, 1x C, 2x D
Soul Breeeder - 1x B, 1x C, 2x D
Chaos Magician - 1x A, 1x B, 1x C, 1x D
Warlock - 2x C, 2x D
Assassin - 2x B, 1x C, 1x D
Shadow Hunter - 1x A, 2x C, 1x D
Battle Summoner - 1x B, 1x C, 2x D
Druid - 2x A, 2x B
Battle Kahuna - 1x A, 1x B, 1x C, 1x D
Champion - 1x B, 2x C, 1x D
Archer - 1x B, 1x C, 2x D
Evoker - 1x A, 2x C, 1x D


Most A)
You are the Perfectionist. 
You want the ideal DP and contribute to the kill speed well. You are the kind who knows what to do - you know how to play your class, when to use your skills and such, but sometimes your perfectionism goes too far. You're the kind who sometimes rather waits 10 minutes for the second BS to join to get Blood Aura rather than taking another DD now. You know who you DP with, there is little or no space for noobishness around you. You find it hard to find fault in yourself - and this is why you are contributing 110% all the time - to not make mistakes or let them happen.

Most B)
You are the Casual.
You are not the 24/7 player, but that doesn't mean you can't be good. You usually do what you are expected to, and making a mistake here or there doesn't stop you. Your aim is to have fun instead to grind yourself to be the most uber player ever, and you sure are doing something right there, since isn't that what games are made for - having fun? Still, if you scored Casual, it means there is room for improvement if you want to score the best possible XP and drops per DP.

Most C)
You are the Badass.
Solo or DP, you are the king. Or at least you think so. Most of the time you know what to do, and you do it with confidence. Sometimes you tend to over-estimate the abilities of your party and you, and might cause problems by overpulling or not focusing on the same mob, using too high level skills at a bad moment, etc. Your aim is to be the best of the best - and nothing is going to stop you. You got a few active friends with similar goals, but remember, it's better to be the best together than alone when it comes to DPing.

Most D)
You are the Hardcore.
The fast-leveling type, who doesn't hesitate to go solo with their nice gear and stuff. This kind of a player usually is good and knows it, which can lead to overestimation of own abilities, and being plain annoying to others. However, when you are in the mood, your DPs rock. You are the type that doesn't bother to join a DP if it takes ages to start, since you could be making deals, farming or soloing instead of waiting - waiting certainly is not your thing. And this is why you level fast.

Most E)
You are the Leecher.
Either you were joking with your answers, or you shouldn't play an MMO. Bye-bye, and don't let the door hit you on your way out :]

Po co te nerwy, to tylko gra...




#8 09-04-2010 11:42:39


Starszyzna plemienna

Zarejestrowany: 16-10-2007
Posty: 537
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

1c 2b 3b 4d 5c 6b 7b 8a 9b 10c 11d 12a 13c 14d 15c 16b 17a 18e 19a/e 20b 21b/e 22d 23d Soul Breeeder - 1x B, 1x C, 2x D

wygralo B


"Soft kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, sleepy kitty, pur, pur, pur."



#9 09-04-2010 13:18:44



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 26-04-2007
Posty: 1188
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Na pewno dobrze rozwiązałeś Grav? SB to zwykle raczej pod E się zalicza (chodzi o częste levelowanie przez nich tzw noob petów)

www.pajacyk.pl   http://www.habitat.pl/klikacz.php   www.okruszek.org.pl   www.polskieserce.pl   www.pustamiska.pl   
raz dziennie codziennie, nic nie kosztuje a pomaga innym



#10 10-04-2010 01:49:35


Starszyzna plemienna

Zarejestrowany: 16-10-2007
Posty: 537
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

jesli lvlowalem malego peta to pierwszym zawsze byl max lvl


"Soft kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, sleepy kitty, pur, pur, pur."



#11 12-04-2010 23:45:45



Skąd: Siemianowice śl.
Zarejestrowany: 30-03-2009
Posty: 312
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?


Tutaj umieszczono diagramy przedstawiające obecny rozkład klas w grze. Nie będę wyciągał wniosków, bo niezawodnie zrobi to Słoneczko, więc po co mam się narażać na śmieszność swoją niekompetencją

Chciałbyś, żeby można  było poczytać o aktualnych patch notes albo event news na stronie rappelz.gpotato.com?
Też bym chciał...



#12 13-04-2010 00:18:07



Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 26-04-2007
Posty: 1188
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Bez przesady Wykresy te zostały już omówione na oficjalnym forum. Wygląda na to, że są bez sensu - są zebrane ze wszystkich serverów i ze wszystkich leveli. Kryterium wyszukiwania dotyczyło wszystkich postaci, jakie pojawiły się w tym roku. Zatem zaliczają się wszelkie buffslave'y, postacie do ursy i alty powstałe/rozbudzone celem zrobienia witchowego questa.

www.pajacyk.pl   http://www.habitat.pl/klikacz.php   www.okruszek.org.pl   www.polskieserce.pl   www.pustamiska.pl   
raz dziennie codziennie, nic nie kosztuje a pomaga innym



#13 13-04-2010 11:15:42


Starszyzna plemienna

Zarejestrowany: 16-10-2007
Posty: 537
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Jak wspomnial Chabol, zrobiles bardzo dobre podsumowanie tematu. ^^


"Soft kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, sleepy kitty, pur, pur, pur."



#14 21-04-2010 15:52:50



Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Zarejestrowany: 25-04-2007
Posty: 750
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Dzisiejszy spory patch zacina się w trakcie ściągania. Podejrzewam, że występuje problem z brakiem uprawnień administracyjnych, niezbędnych do nadpisania istniejącego już pliku Sframe.exe. Osobom, którym przytrafił się ten problem, pomagało uruchomienie Launchera z prawami administratora (Windows7 i Vista).
http://rappelz-forum.gpotato.com/viewto … 0#p5894971

Po co te nerwy, to tylko gra...




#15 21-04-2010 22:04:43


Starszyzna plemienna

Zarejestrowany: 16-10-2007
Posty: 537
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Re: Co nowego na forum GPotato?

Ja mam Viste i wszystko przebieglo pomyslnie


"Soft kitty, Warm Kitty, little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, sleepy kitty, pur, pur, pur."



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